Monday, February 2, 2009

Well Nobody Whats To Read My Blog I Guess

Well I guess I am going to writing this blog to myself because nobody else has read it and it has been over 24 hours.
We just got home from the revival at Church if anybody wonders what we are doing on Monday night. Talk to whoever hopefully not myself later. Goodnight self.


  1. I will read your blog. I didn't know you had one. I found my treasure on my blog. You can read it now. I sat and typed that post last night for an hour and then I went to post it and puff it was gone. I had to retype it tonight and post it. I don't know what happened. I did have a very good time this past weekend. I love you sister!!! Miss talking to you. I have to take Daddy back to Dr. Allen tomorrow at 1:50. Nothing new wrong some old thing. I will tell you about it after I take him. Love you!!!

  2. Hey I found out you had a blog only through reading aunt laura's blog.. so i am a somebody and i will defionatly be reading your blog. I love all my blog savy family. I promise i will read it all the time. I am sorry that I did not get to talk to you the other day but it was good to talk to daddy-- but I will talk to you really really soon I promise! I wanted to call you right now because I think you are online.. but leah is using skype and we cannot both use it at the same time.. and usually it is me that is using it so i have to be nmice and christian like. Please please keep writing and post pictures of you the family. I love you. you are the best

  3. Hey, I searched and searched but I did not get an email about your blog. I only found it through clicking on Jenn's blog. So now I have it too. And of course I will read it. And I will also teach you how to upload pics, so you can put pics of the cutest grandson in the world on there!miss seeing you sorry I can't come to revival!

  4. Brenda and I didn'r get a e-mail either about your blog. I didn't know about it until I read my blog. I will call you in the morning to tell you what Marie, Dr. Allen's physican assist., said about Daddy. Love you!!!

  5. so um.. i am ready for an update on the hand family in tn.. i've been missing you a lot and i promise i check this blog everyday for an update! i love you
